
“Herrschaftlich” – a region becomes a hotel

The project “Herrschaftlich: Geniessen & Schlafen” aims to create attractive accommodation options in the “Bündner Herrschaft Fünf Dörfer” region and promote them through a shared platform. The main aim is to use existing accommodation, such as studios or holiday flats, for tourism and combine them with experiences in the region.

“Herrschaftlich” functions like a hotel. However, the rooms are dispersed throughout the region. In the centre of Maienfeld, the restaurant Stall 247 will be the point of contact for guests.

The innovative accommodation concept is intended to help further develop wine and cultural tourism and generate added value throughout the region.

The organiser of the project, which is supported by the New Regional Policy NRP, is the Bündner Herrschaft Fünf Dörfer tourism association. The project partners are Heidiland Tourism and Stall 247 in Maienfeld. conim ag is supporting the project in terms of content and methodology.

Here is a contribution from the htr hotelrevue on the project: Article htr